~A Saobhan girl.

~Tess, being of a different background, is quite a curiosity to characters like Dustin-who are accustomed to women playing much less assertive roles; gilded with flowing dresses and jewelry, and treated like fragile ornaments. Tess is quite the opposite. She's independent to a fault, inconspicuously resolute, and carries with her a rather prominent mean-streak.
It's obvious to those charmed (and often troubled) by her presence that Tess has an agenda…it's never quite obvious, though, what exactly it is. Her moods alter between searing, roguish humor, petulant contempt, furtive aloofness, and pensive seriousness with disconcerting frequency. She has a disturbingly light-hearted approach to her deliberately cruel pastimes, but attacks the smallest of annoyances with almost inappropriate ferocity. She also makes it very clear to her acquaintances that she tolerates their company only because she has to, and maintains a tenacious barrier--fortified with idle threats--between them and herself.
Tess's schizophrenic behavior stems from the intent to find some sense of comfort in being unapproachably self-contained while surrounded by unfamiliarity. At the same time, she uses it to highlight her strong aversion for the perceived opulence and arrogance of Ainessa. Her underlying convictions regarding patriotism and familial loyalty, however, offer her a separate perspective that she occasionally allows to temper her belligerent manner.

~Although it sounds odd, I distinctly remember using my cat, Tonya, as a base personality for Tess. She's as moody and unpredictable as they come--wearing a deceptively sweet smile, making her daily rounds with an upright tail and a dainty trot, but having a tendency to overreact violently when not approached on her own terms. She's pure white…which, I think, has something to do with Tess's hair being white. Assigning her a hair color uncommon for a young adult seemed like an interesting way to emphasize her dissidence.
The name 'Tess' comes from another feline my family adopted, (named Tessa) when I was a child. I simply liked the name and found it rather well suited for a character with a catty personality.