~A member of Ainessa's
ruling family, later a ruler of Ainessa.
~Leandra is
a lofty, confident, intellectual and just sovereign
that is until the
less autocratic, less admirable facet of her personality overrides all of
her sensibilities. Half of Leandra grew to be dignified and perfectly rational.
The other half, governed by pure emotion (primarily pride), never made it
past the inexorable hotheadedness of adolescence.
After a childhood of pampering and unrestricted indulgence, Leandra is unceremoniously
introduced to the much less affable reality of governing. In defiant response
to her councilors (all quite prepared to take advantage of her inexperience),
she quickly develops an outward air of charmingly impudent, stubborn supremacy,
while remaining a girlish romantic at heart.
Under most political circumstances, Leandra relies on her elegant authority
to pursue her agendas-casual but shrewd in her approach. Her pillar-like presence
is audacious enough to overpower even the most outspoken transgressors in
her council, but she manages to assert her position without sacrificing an
ounce of feminine grace. It's Leandra's fervent convictions, though, and not
her sizeable governmental tasks, that cause her the most difficulty. When
sentiments are tangled with her endeavors, passionate determination becomes
her single driving force. She has no qualms about calculating excuses, setting
aside her rationale, and becoming surreptitiously manipulative--anything so
long as it facilitates her path to victory. She frequently accomplishes what
she sets out to achieve in this manner, but leaves behind a trail of frustrated
courtiers, mistrusting and shaken in allegiance.
Regin's apparent
willingness to side with her even in her most unabashed moments of contumacy
quickly wins him her royal favor
one that manages to twist itself into
a sort of reassuring dependency. His opinions are quite often the only opinions
she assigns any importance to aside from her own. Together, their brazen egos
make for an overbearing presence in council, generating a good deal of discomfort
(and thereby a good deal of disapproval) for those who must deliberate with
Leandra confides in Brock regularly, and is even more open with him than with
her handmaids. He's her appointed political advisor as well as a voluntary personal
advisor. Although she tactfully refrains from revealing her deepest thoughts
and feelings to him (concerning a variety of topics), she recognizes his intuitive
talents and knows just how much she has to say in order for him to decipher
her exact motivations.
~I think of Leandra
as having a sort of Hollywood celebrity personality. She has no difficulty emitting
an air of gallant, glamorous integrity, but behind closed doors she's prone
to pernicious tantrums--being as volatile in temperament as a teenager who's
had her phone privileges revoked. It was my intention to assigned her a look
that's somewhat reminiscent of 1940s actresses; a strong jaw-line, high cheekbones,
arched eyebrows, and an expression of condescending benevolence. Her hair is
influenced by Pre-Raphaelite depictions of women in Arthurian legend--long,
luxurious curls reaching idyllically down the back of an embroidered kirtle,
Guinevere style.
I chose the name Leandra because it means 'lioness'
not only was Leandra
an anthropomorphic lion in her previous character design, but she had the regal
personality to match. About the time I named the character, I was introduced
to a future in-law. She just happened to be named Leandra as well
and although
I'm sure she must be under the impression I'm some kind of strange little name-thief,
it was actually coincidental.