~Griffin is
a scruffy looking, bony opportunist. He carries with him a devil-may-care
ideology but, despite his sincere efforts, he hardly seems able to live by
it. He lacks both the character and the windfall to do so.
His extremely idiosyncratic personality coupled with his naturally provincial
mannerisms make him a rather humorous marvel for the aristocrats and military
patricians he occasionally holds uncomfortable company with. Griffin is affable
enough to meet his bemused audience with a flustered smile but, fidgety and
uneasy, he prefers a rather eremitic existence where his ever-flowing reverie
can go undisturbed.
Although by no means well-versed in social interaction, Griffin doesn't lack
the adroitness to use his stunted and scrawny figure to his best advantage.
His age is adult when it's convenient, and child when it works for his benefit.
His presence is ephemeral in much the same sense-frequently taking the opportunity
to rid himself of any responsibility, but holding inescapably amenable tendencies
that keep him grudgingly accessible.