gypsy boy, later part of Regin Faolan's war party.
~Namia Faolan
and Willa Lore raise Fox from early childhood. Namia assigns him the formal
name, Keegan, believing a strange name like 'Fox' to be inappropriate for
one living in an aristocratic environment. She takes her adoration for her
son, Regin, to a bit of an extreme and speaks of him incessantly in his absence.
In his precariousness, Fox becomes aware of his role as Namia's diversion
from depression. He absorbs everything she says, and lets her glorified portraiture
of Regin (a perception heavily clouded by a mother's bias and an impossible
level of ideality to achieve) shape his own behavior.
Upon Regin's return home, he finds acquainting himself with Fox to be rather
difficult. At his insistence, Fox is called Fox, and not Keegan--a name Regin
finds too disconcertingly similar to his own. Fox, who's known Regin only
as a distant icon for most of his life, is unsure how to approach him. He
generally keeps his distance until circumstances force the two of them to
be in continual contact. With his inherent desire to please, Fox reacts the
best way he knows how and devotes a substantial amount of energy to attaining
some kind of recognizable approbation from Regin--something that, in it's
ineffectiveness, becomes a major source of frustration.
Cassy, on the other
hand, is perplexedly amused by Fox's grim seriousness. She's never quite as
fascinated by him, though, as he is by her. She is, by most standards, his complete
opposite-frivolous and lively. Captivated by her childish disposition, Fox depends
on her as a sporadic but necessary distraction from the weight of the burdens
he habitually carries.
~Fox was probably
the most difficult character to mold a discernible personality for-even naming
him turned into a problematic ordeal. I think all the considering and contemplating
paid off, though. He went from being vague, two-dimensional, and typical to
highly specific (at least in my own head) over the years that I've been working
on this project. I count him as one of my favorites because I can relate to
him a bit. I think there are too many people out there who carry things around
on their shoulders far longer than the minor gravity of the issues call for
included. I think that's also why I like his eyebrows-my favorite part of his
design--they give him that unavoidable look of concern that, I believe, make
quite a bit of his overly-sensitive personality apparent on his face.
Several people have expressed their dislike for the name Keegan to me. I chose
it, though, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it rhymes with Regin
oddly enough, is a plot point. I also liked that the name denotes an ardent
personality-which I think applies rather well to Fox's talent for finding things
to fixate on. Nevertheless, it's not the name most of the characters know him
by. Fox is his actual name--in reality, it was just a temporary nickname that
he had while I looked for a more conventional name. I grew so used to it, though,
that it stuck.
is highly introspective, almost perpetually engrossed in thought. Dustin, who's
of a much more communicative nature, understands Fox's quiet manner and his
constant look of pensive distraction as snobbery. The two quickly develop an
almost hostile rivalry. To gain the argumentative upper hand, Dustin relies
on antagonism-which Fox, accustomed to formal politeness, is unsure how to deal
with except by becoming disproportionately angry.