~Military leader and co-ruler of Iaban with his brother, Oalatan.

~Once an angry and obdurate military leader, a giant demanding respect by appearance alone (although also deserving of it for all his accomplishment), Orobas finds himself in a stage of decline into disillusionment--weary, passionless and fearful.
The deteriorating health of his nation coupled with a sudden compulsion for introspection leaves Orobas unhappy in his situation. Habitually equating himself with Regin Faolan--his Ainessan counterpart who, for all his effort, has been unable to remove himself from circumstances similar to Orobas's own--imbues him with a sense of frustrated hopelessness. He and Regin share an undercover disdain for their careers and, although their armies are at war, they maintain an unspoken, casual respect for one another. Orobas keeps a close watch on Regin's campaigning with more a morose personal interest than a tactical one, believing it to be some kind of insight into his own condition.
Having an equally forceful impact on Orobas is Xaphan. Upon dealing with Xaphan during his more immoderate moments (shifting between near catatonic indifference and intense indulgence), Orobas is struck with a concern for his sanity, propelled further by his increasingly persistent tendency to over-evaluate himself. At the same time, he's forced into compromising with his allies, a nation of people whose martial morals he considers much less proper than his own-leaving him with an additional sense of ignominy.

Orobas, although carrying an unpretentiously confident countenance and bearing all the marks of one who needn't second guess, suffers enough anxiety to force himself into taking a secret, irrational perspective. He relies on intricate and superstitious observation of his peers to gather whatever reassurance he can. Finding little of it, he gradually makes his own existence near intolerable.
~Orobas started out as a character I didn't take much interest in, but who needed to be there. He had somehow always been the pessimist, though…I'm not sure why. It could have been the way he always ended up looking in my drawings--something akin to a downtrodden St. Bernard--that earned him that trait. I went with it, though, and it eventually evolved into a more complicated personality capable of holding my attention. I enjoy his character much more now…perhaps because it's reassuring to think that such powerful, important people could (and probably do) have deeper insecurities than the rest of us.
His design I got partly from what I think of when I think of a bear…he's very bear-like. I also tried to give him a bit of a Norse look…big and sturdy and proud.
I named him after a demon. I can't really say why…he isn't much of a demon by nature, but the name somehow fit him. I think it has something to do with the letter 'O'…but I'm starting to sound loopy now, so I'll terminate the rambling here.